Montana Wool Grower Magazine
Your number one source of industry info, news, and tips
Our members-only publication is published quarterly in full color. This provides an incredible advertising venue reaching nearly 1,000 sheep-industry members throughout Montana and surrounding states.
What's inside the magazine?

Up-to-date information on relevant issues
- Read about our advocacy work on the state and federal level
- Learn about opportunities to get involved
- Get informed about the change in the markets

Featured Flock
In every issue, get a sneak peek into the life of one of our active producer members in our Featured Flock section. Take a look at some of our past Featured Flock articles:
John & Carol Steitz of Kalispell
Jess & Stefanie Leach of Ledger
Nominate our next Featured Flock article by emailing

Tips and resources for your sheep business
- Learn about ways other producers are tackling common issues such as predation, marketing and flock management
- See the best places and tactics for marketing your wool
- Get information on current flock health issues
- Find producers and stakeholders in your locality
Become a member today!
You don’t need to own sheep to get our magazine, but you do need to be a member! Our print magazine is available to every member at every membership level. Sign up today to receive the next quarterly edition and be eligible to receive discounted advertising rates.

Membership Benefit
get the most bang for your advertising buck
Advertise your business in the Montana Wool Grower magazine! Members of MGWA advertise at a discounted rates.
- Reach over 1,000 other producers and industry stakeholders
- Build authority and recognition in the region
- Find strategic partners and networking opportunities
Contact the association secretary at for more information.