Copper K Fiber Festival

Copper K Barn 786 Point of Rocks Road, Whitehall, MT, United States

A fun-filled fiber weekend at the Copper K Barn in Whitehall with vendors, workshops, demonstrations, and more!

Fiberfest Eureka

Lincoln County Fairgrounds Eureka, MT, United States

Montana Lamb Jam

Eagles Club Grand Hall 124 West Main St., Lewistown, United States

Lamb Jam will be hosted at the Eagles Club Grand Hall, Lewistown, Montana on Saturday April 20th! Join us for a lamb-tastic time at the Montana Lamb Jam! Experience this Made-in-Montana culinary competition by sampling four different lamb dishes prepared by top Montana chefs. The lamb has been sourced from local Montana ranches. Attendees will […]


Crazy Mountain Fiber Fest

The Crazy Mountain Fiber Festival festival offers products from a variety of local and regional fiber vendors, weaving and spinning demonstrations, and fiber arts classes for all age levels.  Classes cover topics like natural dyeing, beginner drop spindle spinning, and basic knitting projects.

Copper K Fiber Festival

Copper K Barn, Whitehall, MT 786 Point of Rocks Road, Whitehall, MT, United States

FiberFest Eureka

Lincoln County Fairgrounds Eureka, MT, United States

99th Annual Montana Ram Sale and 11th Annual Ewe Sale

Eastern Montana Fairgrounds 42 Garryowen Rd, Miles City, MT, United States

Join us in Miles City, MT, for sheep week!  The 11th Annual Montana Ewe Sale, and 99th Annual Montana Ram Sale will take place September 11 and 12 at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds.  Our MWGA member-consignors have been working hard to get all their data collected, sorting through their rams and ewes, and making plans for sale […]

MWGA Annual Convention

Billings Hotel & Convention Center 1223 Mullowney Ln, Billings, MT, United States

Montana Wool Growers Annual Convention is open to members and non-members alike, who are interested in the sheep industry!  The Convention serves as a place for MWGA members to host the annual membership meeting, fundraise for causes, and shop the vendor show for great sheep and wool items!