2019 Montana Ram and Ewe Sales Results

It was a rainy few days in Miles City but sheep producers came from near and far to take in the 94th Annual MT Ram Sale and the 6th Annual MT Ewe Sale in early September. MWGA is pleased to report that the rain didn’t keep buyers away and all the average prices on the rams were up from last year as well as the overall average. Although we can’t directly say how many people attended, we believe that we saw a record crowd in Miles City on sale day. Below is a listing of the sale averages from both sales.

6th Annual Montana Ewe Sale

Sale Gross on 750 Ewes: $212,075.00
130 head of white faced yearling ewes averaged $379
10 head of black faced ewe lambs averaged $462
160 head of white faced yearling ewes averaged $285

450 ewes sold off the grounds for country delivery:
100 head of Rambouillet yearling ewes averaged $250
350 head of RambXTarghee yearling ewes averaged $250

94th Annual Montana Ram Sale

Sale Gross on 279 Range Rams: $367,350.00
Sale Average on 279 Range Rams: $1,010.42
Targhee Ram Average on 207 head: $1,411.84 (Low $400, High $10,000)
Suffolk X Hampshire Ram Average on 14 Head: $667.86 (Low $600, High $800)
Suffolk Ram Average on 16 Head: $668.75 (Low $500, High $900)
Rambouillet Ram Average on 32 Head: $1,339.06 (Low $550, High $3,000)
Rambouillet Cross Ram Average on 8 Head: $1,375.00 (Low $800, High $2,000)
Hampshire Ram Average on 2 head: $600 (Low $550, High $650)

Ram Sale Highlights
Longtime Montana Ram Sale Consignor, Sam Ortmann of Wolf Point, MT, had the highest selling Targhee ram of the sale. It sold for $10,000 and was bought by Bob Innes, Innes Ranch of Gillette, WY and Betty Sampsel, Hughes Newford Co., of Stanford, MT. Sam Ortmann had another high selling lot of two rams that went for $6.750.00 each that was bought by Brad Boner of Glenrock, WY.

Ewe Sale Highlights
Montana Sheep Company of Fort Shaw, MT, sold 10 head of Targhee yearling breeding ewes for $875/head and Lee Dougan of South Dakota was the buyer. Robertta Dawe of Dawe Suffolks out of Big Timber, MT, sold 5 Suffolk ewe lambs for $525/head to Daniel Weaver of Mt. Dallas Sheep Co of Wilsall, MT, sold 10 Targhee yearling breeding ewes for $450/head and Dewayne Lee Troyer was the buyer on that lot.

The two day sale had a combined gross of $579,425 and saw bidders and buyers from Montana, South Dakota, Idaho, North Dakota, Colorado, Washington, Texas, Minnesota, and Wyoming. MWGA would like to thank Auctioneers Collin Gibbs and Kyle Shobe for their hard work and dedication during sale time. This sale wouldn’t be possible without the many volunteers and generous donations from the Miles City Community and all of the support is greatly appreciated. We also wanted to give a big thank you to our buyers! We appreciate your support and we’ll see everyone next year with even more quality yearling ewes and rams at the 95th Annual MT Ram Sale and the 7th Annual MT Ewe Sale on September 9-10th, 2020!

For more coverage of both sales, please check out our Facebook page.


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